Education Week: What If We Treated Public Education Like the Crisis It Is?
I’ve spent decades in education. I’ve been a classroom teacher, a policymaker, and the governor of North Carolina. I founded an education nonprofit focused on innovation and I’m currently chairing the National Assessment Governing Board for the second time since the pandemic started.
The 74: Perdue—Dual Enrollment Can Help Fix the High School-to-College Pathway for Students Hit Hardest by COVID-19
As with all aspects of our education system, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated and widened inequities in postsecondary pathways, especially for the most underserved students.
Gov. Perdue Appointed as a Chair of the National Assessment Governing Board
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has appointed digiLEARN founder Gov. Bev Perdue chair of the National Assessment Governing Board.
Ed Surge: To Improve Education, We Need to Look at the Last 50 Years, Not Just the Last 18 Months
The lunches are packed, the supplies have been purchased, the classrooms are decorated, and we’re off and running on our third school year in the shadow of COVID-19.
New America: Developing and Retaining Strong Teacher Talent in North Carolina with Micro-Credentials
digiLEARN's Beverly Perdue and Myra Best discuss a road map for the state in a new interview with New America.
New America Releases National Landscape for Micro-Credentials as Part of NC Partnership for Micro-Credentials
As part of its work with the digiLEARN-led NC Partnership for Micro-credentials, New America analyzed the national landscape of educator micro-credentials to determine how to best harness their potential to more successfully attract, develop, and retain great teachers.
RTI International Releases NC Feasibility Study as Part of NC Partnership for Micro-Credentials
The NC Partnership for Micro-Credentials commissioned RTI International to conduct a feasibility study of their mission, vision and goals given the state’s context and current system for teacher professional learning.
Governors Perdue, Geringer, Wise Featured Panelists at National School Board Association School Transformation Event
digiLEARN founder Gov. Bev Perdue and digiLEARN Board Members Gov. Jim Geringer and Gov. Bob Wise participated in an engaging discussion with education experts on innovative policies and practices to reshape and provide a more equitable public education for each child.
EdNC: Lawmakers Hear About Micro-Credentials and State Apprentice Program
Lawmakers at the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee heard about attempts to make micro-credentials a statewide system of professional development during a meeting on Tuesday.
WRAL: Bev Perdue—Close North Carolina’s Digital Divide Now
Technology is no longer an extra but an essential, as fundamental as electricity or water for our schools, homes and businesses. As 1.1 million North Carolina K-12 students begin fully remote or blended learning as a result of COVID-19, it is time to invest in technology infrastructure to close the digital divide, stop COVID slide and encourage full economic recovery for our state.